'Impetus', created by MFIN in collaboration with Mindstone Maven LLP, is an online information sharing platform, exclusively for the NBFC-MFI Members of Microfinance Institutions Network, which will enable them to showcase their financial strength and operational performance and interact with various Investors & Lenders for seeking funds. The platform enables the members to host curated information, initiate funding transactions, facilitate underwriting decisions, track transaction status, among other features.
Impetus enables MFIs to access the funding marketplace which is dedicated to the sector with specific focus and inputs on the microfinance ecosystem. The platform aims to catalyze the MFIs growth prospects through:
Impetus provides a dedicated stack of investment / lending opportunities for wide variety of Investors / Lenders, who are keen to explore the vast investment opportunities presented by a fast-evolving Microfinance industry. It facilitates Banks, NBFCs, Funds, HNIs, and other classes of investors through: